It's turned cold here. As we drove back home yesterday from Romania the fog had frozen like frosty crystals on every twig of every tree and every blade of grass. Our thermometer read -5 this morning (Celsius).Last week it was my privilege to show the work in Romania to a group of saints from New Manna Baptist Church, Marion, NC. Although we spent passed out gospel tracts and they sang as a choir in downtown Constanta, the main focus of their visit was to see the children we feed in the Turkish villages. Thanks be to God, there are many children that receive a hot meal every day through our churches. These children were tickled to see new people that loved them. (They also loved the candy they brought.) I am sure that the Lord used these poor believers, rich in faith, to actually be a greater blessing to the Americans. As their hearts were broken for these people praising God in great poverty, my own heart was revived. Our Turkish believers here were thrilled to see how many brothers and sisters they have in Christ. As we worshipped the Lord in different languages, His spirit knit our hearts together in love. The week ended with one of the girls here in the children's home getting saved! Later we received word that a man dying of cancer whom we had prayed for got saved! Along with our Turkish brethren here, we were truly saddened to see our new friends and Christian family leave, but we look forward to meeting again one day in that land where shades of love lie deep.I would like to thank you all for your prayers for my older brother. He is still in great pain. His recovery will be long and difficult, but he reports small improvements every day.From Bulgaria,Zachary LeFevre
Monday, November 21, 2011
November 21 Update
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
September 6 Update
Monday, August 15, 2011
August 15 Update
Thank you all for your prayers for our children. Polly is home from the hospital and feeling better. (Saturday she butchered three chickens for us.) She's developed a rash from the antibiotics. Today she goes back to the doctor. Now my brother William is in the same hospital with pneumonia. Please keep him in your prayers. Pastor Nasuf reported two people saved in his villages this week. The children start school this week. They're all home-schooled. Next month Maggie should start Bulgarian kindergarten. From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre |
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
August 9 Update
It's certainly been a slow week here. I only preached twice this week. Most of our time has been spent in resting, caring for the children, and visitting Polly at the hospital. Today Katy and Isaac are about ninety percent recovered from their illness. Polly is doing better. Yesterday she had another x-ray which showed improvement. Today she is having blood work done. The doctor should tell us today when she can come home. Our missionary friends and family have been very helpful to us this week. We also want to thank you all for your concern and prayers. From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre |
Friday, August 5, 2011
August 3 Update
All of last week I was in Romania. We spent three days working with the national pastors on the new hymns. They were thrilled with the new hymn book. Helping us were pastors and their families from Bulgaria. Then my family came up, along with the other missionaries from Bulgaria for four days of English church. In those four days we heard some excellent preaching! This week has been much more difficult. Three of our children are sick with pneumonia. Polly was so bad that the doctor sent her straight to the hospital. She is now in the intensive care unit. Her room is clean and the nurses so far have been very helpful, and we thank the Lord for that. Pray for us. From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre |
Monday, July 11, 2011
July 5 Update
This week I've been working with Brother Ralph on the Turkish hymnbook. We met with three of the Turkish pastors and went over every hymn in the book, correcting minor mistakes. It took us four days, working sixteen hours a day, but we finally finished. After singing over two hundred hymns we just about lost our voices. Sometime this in the next week or two we'll be singing them again, this time for a recording. We appreciate your prayers for this work. As always, we have many needs, and the Lord knows them. Pray for us. From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre |
Monday, June 27, 2011
June 27 Update
This week Brother Nasuf went to yet another new village in hopes of starting a church. They had announced their coming, and when they arrived there were twenty-five adults there waiting. Several of them made professions of faith, I don't recall how many. Along with this comes the excitement in the "home" church at Tirgovishte. Some of the believers there are travelling out to these new meetings along with Brother Nasuf. They see the Lord saving sinners and starting new churches, then they come back and testify about it in their own church. This new work actually started some months ago when several church members agreed to fast and pray one day a week. We're planning a furlough for next summer. We'd like to come see as many of you as possible, and present the work in your churches. Please pray with us about this. From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre |
Monday, June 13, 2011
June 13 Update
This month we've been continuing in the regular village meetings. I've been with my brother in a couple meetings and translated for him while he preached. Everyone here is glad to have a new missionary. Brother Nasuf has started a new meeting in a village about thirty kilometers north of their town. With his new vehicle he is also travelling to other villages to evangelize. Brother Kenan, his son-in-law, will be taking over some of their older meetings as a pastor. Brother Nasuf's youngest son-in-law lives in Romania and been a part of our churches since he was a boy. Now he has started preaching. His father has kicked him out of the house, and now he's struggling just to feed his wife and child. Please pray for him that the Lord would direct him to a place of service. Brother Ismail has also been travelling to new villages. One day his wife and another lady from their church went to a village to visit some relatives. While there the people asked them about their religion. So sister Naziye was able to tell them all about how the gospel came to her town and they had believed. The two ladies sang hymns and told of the many things the Lord had done for them. From that house they were invited to another and then another. Several people in that village invited them to come and start a church. Lord willing, tomorrow Brother Ismail will return to that village to organize a weekly meeting along with his son. His son works as a driver driving used cars from Germany to Bulgaria. Last week he was in an accident on the highway in Hungary. The car was "totalled"; two other drivers involved in the accident were hospitalized, yet he walked away without a scratch. Now he wants to travel with his dad, the pastor, to some of the village meetings and testify of how the Lord protected him. Please pray for Sezgin, that the Lord would strengthen him in the faith. From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre |
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
May 30 Update
Yesterday I was able to make it up to Constanta for their morning English service. It was a blessing to see the other missionaries up there, and to see the children in the home. Then in the afternoon I was in the Turkish meeting at Kadriye's house. The house was full. We sang for about an hour, then for over an hour four of us preached. Everyone loved it. Recently Brother Ralph gave a copy of the Old Testament in Turkish to the preachers up there. They've been preaching from the books of Psalms and Isaiah every day for the last couple of months. New homes are opening up in new villages in Romania. I believe they're going to about twenty villages now. From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre |
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
May 18 Update
I think it's been a couple of weeks since I wrote last. After ten years our old computer monitor finally quit working. We were able to get a new one, though, thankfully. Brother Nasuf is now travelling to his own villages again in his new car. His son-in-law is also a preacher, and now that they have reliable transportation they want to start some more churches. Recently, one of the new believers from Varna moved back to his village, which happens to be near a village where Nasuf already has a church. This new believer said that he wants a church in his house. It looks like the Lord is opening new doors for new churches out there. Remember to pray for Nasuf. He'll need some extra money for fuel each month. His church continues to fast and pray one day a week. Recently a woman who had been out of church for eight years came back. In one of the village churches two ladies walked into the meeting from off the street. They enjoyed the meeting and came again the following week. That day they professed faith in Christ Jesus. Prayer works. In our village there is a boy who visitted church about two months ago. He came to the meeting twice and asked for prayer. He has epilepsy. Yesterday he told us that he has had fewer seizures, and less severe. When he was in the meeting he recorded the hymn singing on his cell phone, and says that he listens to it every night. He asked why he cries every time he hears the hymns. One of our believers told him, "Don't worry. That's just the Lord softening your heart. Keep on listening to the hymns and come back to church." Pray for him, and pray for all our churches. From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre |
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
April 27 Update
This week I met with pastor Alish from Varna. He told me of a testimony from one of the believers at his church in Varna. She is a young mother of three. She first came to the church to pray for her oldest child who was born with heart problems. The Lord had answered her prayers and the child has been healthy for several years. Recently her husband left her. With three small children and no work she has really struggled. Three weeks ago we distributed flour to the believers in Varna. She sincerely thanks the Lord and the believers in America who provided her with the one hundred pound of flour, just when they needed it the most. Well, one day she left the house to go to the neighbourhood store to buy some diapers. She had found some loose change and was going to buy maybe one or two diapers (they sell them individually like that here, sometimes.) On the way to the store she prayed, "Lord, I thank you for the flour, but you know my children want more to eat than just bread. I'd like to buy some candy or fresh fruit, but I've only got money for a couple diapers." She also said, "Lord, no matter what happens, I want you to keep my faith strong and keep me in the church. In my struggles, don't ever let me forget you." When she got to the store, an older woman met her outside. The woman had a grocery bag and asked her to hold it for a minute. She took the bag in one hand, then in her other hand the older woman placed some money. She started crying and told the woman she couldn't possibly accept it. The older woman said to her, "You can't refuse this. It was God that told me to give it to you." She thanked her and walked back home, crying the whole way. When she got home she opened up the bag and it was full of groceries, including candy. The children hadn't had any candy in a long time and they all began to climb on her and kiss her. She told them the candy wasn't from her; it was from their heavenly father. From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre |
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
April 12 Update
We've had a busy week here, and productive. I've spent a couple of days in Varna looking for a decent used car for Brother Nasuf. Yesterday we were finally able to buy one. Today it's getting a tun-up and other maintenance, then later we'll get the title transferred to Nasuf. Many of the believers send their thanks to those of you who prayed and helped purchase the vehicle. Keep praying, though, the car will need fuel every day. The Lord will supply that need as well. Also this week we were able to distribute the flour to the last of our village churches. Again the saints here thank you all for ministering to their carnal needs.Today I need to try to find a house for a widow woman. It was she who called us to come start a church in a nearby village. Now her children have all gone to western Europe to work, and she herself is left with nothing but a pension of about sixty dollars a month. Unable to pay the rent she has been put out of her house. Indeed it is the poor that have the gospel preached unto them.Continue to pray for us.From Bulgaria,Zachary LeFevre
Sunday, April 10, 2011
April 6 Update
Last week we had a wonderful time up in Romania. Along with the other missionary families we enjoyed five days of singing and preaching in English. We were blessed and refreshed. Also in that week was the campmeeting at our mission board's church, Brookside Baptist of Bristol, TN. At that meeting they raised the funds to buy some much needed vehicles for the national pastors here. It was a joy to see again some of the believers up in Romania. The pastors there are preaching better than ever. The Turkish meeting there lasted over four hours.On a sadder note, Brother Ali passed away two weeks ago. Right in the middle of the largest Turkish neighborhood in Constanta Brother Ali had a church in his home for several years. Now Ali is with is wife again, and with other saints from his church that have gone on ahead.From Bulgaria,Zachary LeFevre
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
March 21 Update
For the past couple weeks we've been busy with our regular schedule of preaching in the village churches. Because Brother Nasuf's car is no longer running, I am taking him to his villages. Brother Alish and his family continue to go to our regular meetings in my absence. My brother and family are getting settled into the Bulgarian schedule here. This week they'll be making a trip to the Bulgarian embassy in Greece to get their temporary visas. After that, they'll be able to apply for a one year residence visa in Bulgaria. It's been over five years since we did that, but it seems like just yesterday. We now have our long-term residence visas. This week we are mourning the loss of a dear friend and fellow missionary, Judy Padgett. Sister Judy served in Mexico for years, even after the loss of her husband. She was a true inspiration to us while back when we were preparing to come to the field, and she has been faithful to pray for us and this ministry here. We will miss her on this earth, but she is now "with Christ, which is far better." Please remember her family in your prayers. From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre |
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
March 1 Update
We've enjoyed another week of preaching the word in the village churches. Last week and this week I am with Brother Nasuf, as he is without a vehicle. The people in his churches are all so happy. One of the happiest is a woman who is paralyzed. She can't get out of bed, but she has a continual smile on her face. In a few days we will be joined by my brother and his family. They're coming to Bulgaria on the eleventh of this month to live and work in the ministry here. Please remember them in your prayers. This week the Lord protected us on the roads. Even in snow storms we try to get out and get the work done. Both Pastor Alish and myself came close to sliding off the road, but the Lord protected us. I normally drive about five hundred miles a week, as do many of the national pastors. It's the good grace of God that keeps us safe. We appreciate your prayers. From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre |
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
February 1 Update
One of our dear saints passed away last week. Kadriye had called us to come preach the gospel to her about four years ago. She had been diagnosed with cancer, been operated on, and then refused chemotherapy after her first treatment. The doctors told her there was nothing left for them to do. Her sister-in-law has a church in her village, and she had told her about the Lord and the church. So, Kadriye figured she had better set her house in order, and called us to come preach to her. She gave her heart to the Lord that night; the rest of her family soon followed. In the weeks and months that followed she saw the doctor again several times, and he was always amazed at her improved health. He also heard that it was Jesus who was responsible for it. Last year she had a severe stroke, then later, cancer came back. When I saw her last week her body was mangled, but the few words she spoke were kind. But that was last week. This week the scripture has come to pass, "...Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise". Please pray for her family, especially her husband. From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre |
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
January 26 Update
We just got back from a trip to Sofia, Bulgaria, where we needed some passport work done at the consulate. Although the weather was disagreeable, we made it home safe and sound. At the meeting here in our village we've had several first time visitors recently. This Sunday a young woman came and listened intently. After the service I noticed tears in her eyes, but she didn't say anything to me. She told one of the other believers, "He preached that verse, He that believeth on me shall not be ashamed...just for me. I've believed on the Lord several years ago, but have not followed him faithfully." Please pray for her, and the others that have visited. From Bulgaria, Zachary LeFevre |