Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 21 Update

This week we had a snow storm that closed the roads to our regular meetings on Thursday, but Friday we made it out with no problems.  On Fridays we go to the new village.  The owner of the house came to the meeting and told us we would have to find a new house to meet in.  Several people have offered the use of their house as a place for the prayer meetings.  Even on days when we don't have church they still get together and sing the hymns and pray.  They only know a few hymns, so they just make up melodies for the hymns they don't know.  There's been a young man come each week there.  At the first meeting he only stayed in the house for five minutes.  At the next meeting he stayed a little longer, but still only stood in the doorway.  This week he came in the room and sat down for most of the meeting.  It looks like the Lord is drawing him in. 

Last year we had prayed for a girl, Kiymet.  She had had brain surgery, and was not expected to survive, but eventually made a full recovery.  While she was in the village she was the most faithful church member.  (She knew that if it weren't for the Lord's mercy she wouldn't be alive.)  Now she is back living with her husband, who had separated from her when it looked like she would not live.  God has put her life back together again.  Not long after that we learned of another young lady in the same village that had had brain surgery.  She's been in and out of the hospital for the past several months.  Her mother and grandmother are both strong believers.  They've seen God raise her up from what seemed to be her death bed several times.  Now, the girl is not doing well.  She's at home, and the family is trying to raise money for her very expensive medicine.  We had special prayer for her, and ask that you all would pray, as well.  Her mother sat before us and cried and cried telling about the situation.  Only the Lord can help.

We thank you all so much for praying for our visa situation.  It's really too early to know exactly, but it looks like all the money that we needed has come in.  Praise the Lord.

From Bulgaria,
Zachary LeFevre

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