Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 27 Update

This week I met with pastor Alish from Varna.  He told me of a testimony from one of the believers at his church in Varna.  

She is a young mother of three.  She first came to the church to pray for her oldest child who was born with heart problems.  The Lord had answered her prayers and the child has been healthy for several years.  Recently her husband left her.  With three small children and no work she has really struggled.  Three weeks ago we distributed flour to the believers in Varna.  She sincerely thanks the Lord and the believers in America who provided her with the one hundred pound of flour, just when they needed it the most.  

Well, one day she left the house to go to the neighbourhood store to buy some diapers.  She had found some loose change and was going to buy maybe one or two diapers (they sell them individually like that here, sometimes.)  On the way to the store she prayed, "Lord, I thank you for the flour, but you know my children want more to eat than just bread.  I'd like to buy some candy or fresh fruit, but I've only got money for a couple diapers."  She also said, "Lord, no matter what happens, I want you to keep my faith strong and keep me in the church.  In my struggles, don't ever let me forget you."  When she got to the store, an older woman met her outside.  The woman had a grocery bag and asked her to hold it for a minute.  She took the bag in one hand, then in her other hand the older woman placed some money.  She started crying and told the woman she couldn't possibly accept it.  The older woman said to her, "You can't refuse this.  It was God that told me to give it to you."  She thanked her and walked back home, crying the whole way.  When she got home she opened up the bag and it was full of groceries, including candy.  The children hadn't had any candy in a long time and they all began to climb on her and kiss her.  She told them the candy wasn't from her; it was from their heavenly father.  

From Bulgaria,

Zachary LeFevre

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